Style Frames

Connexion to APEX logo transition
Connexion is the old portal that would be replaced by APEX. Before the switch, some banners were placed on the portal site to showcase the new name and logo. I created two variations of the animation—each one showing a different treatment of both the Connexion arrow mark and the new APEX logomark. In the end, the morph version was chosen.
Morph version
Ribbon version
Technical Details
Using a reference frame inside "big canvas" precomp
This might be a bit complicated to explain, but I'll try my best! This video uses what I call a "big canvas" or big stage concept, where you have a camera that keeps panning from scene to scene.
To make this process manageable, my main comp (render comp) is the output size, which is 1920x1080. The main comp will consist mainly of the whole stage sitting inside a precomp, and abfaux camera (null) that will control where we are in the precomp.
The purpose of this yellow frame inside the precomp, is to indicate where the camera is currently in the parent comp, since I'll be working mostly in the precomp.
*more details coming soon*

Using text animator to scroll through lines
It's important to remember that text animators can control not just individual characters, but words and even lines! The animated properties for this effect are the scale, fil color, and line spacing.
The selection: To target a specific line, the range numbers have to correspond to the line's index — for example; the line "HEETS" is the 2nd line, which is index 1. The start range has to be index number, while the end range is the next index.
The transform: With the targeted line selected via range selection, we just bump up the scale property to 160%, the fill color to white, and then the line spacing to 30 (to accommodate for the increase in text size).

Repeated object wipe transition using Echo effect
In one of the final scenes, I use a money paper note that fans across the stage to obscure the current scene and transition into the next scene.
I start with animating the paper note to slide across the screen. Then I add the Echo effect to repeat the animation with a slight delay, with enough copies to cover the screen. The echo time also has to be tweaked so there are no gaps between the copies. Final step is to make the echo effect layer a matte layer for the current precomped scene.

Project Details
Approx. project length: 4-6 weeks
After Effects
Adobe Premiere
After Effects
Adobe Premiere