Storyboard Frames
Getting the character poses
Scene and layout
In order to achieve the side-scrolling "flat" view concept, I had to take several in-game screenshots of the environment and stitch them in Photoshop. By extending the walls, I made the scene "longer" than how it looks in-game. 

Scene reconstruction + grading process.
All structures had to be modified to fit a straight perspective (due to distortion from in-game capture)

Short timelapse video of editing, stitching, and extending some of the structures used in the scene

Pseudo 3D space

Perspective test of units placed in various distances. Also the final layout plan for unit placement. 

"Grounding" the units
The ground plane is the only element in the scene that actually goes across the Z plane.
Everything else is oriented towards the front camera view and runs along just the X and Y axis.

Blood spray effects
All blood spray effects were achieved with using simple AE native particle tools
(CC particle playground) as well as CC mercury. 

Project Details
Approx. project length: 3 months, part-time
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - game dev console (debug camera, slowmo, etc)
After Effects
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