Art Style and Concept
For a long while I've been creating a lot of "flat" style illustrations using mainly primitive shapes with no outlines. This time around I wanted to move away from that over-simplified style and go back to using the pen tool to create custom shapes. I also wanted to explore using variable width strokes and painting with the brush tool.

Inspo and References

Technical Details
Joysticks and Sliders with Master Properties
Joysticks has a Move to Parent Comp tool that creates the controller in the comp's parent. However, this method is not modular and can get very ugly fast once you decide to create multiple instances of the precomp.
By using Master Properties, you can create as many instances of the joystick comp and have individual control for each one. Here I made the controller's X and Y values as master properties.

DUIK auto rig a structure to pin bones

Keyframe Hover Tooltips

DUIK: Toggling Arm visibliity and Motion Trail

Project Details
Approx. project length: ---
After Effects
DUIK Bassel 2
Joysticks n Sliders
After Effects
DUIK Bassel 2
Joysticks n Sliders