Weekend Special In-app Promo
Video shown here is a draft animatic. Production was postponed due to scheduling conflicts with higher priority projects. I still included this because I was really liking the art direction and the animation process.

Static design.

Concept + Design Notes

Light frame concept

Open suitcase concept

Illustrator Typography 
The base design of the typography was created in Illustrator using repeated transforms to emulate a 3D effect. A subtle warp was added before adding the finishing touches in Photoshop, where I included a bling texture with some gleam and sparkle effects.

Using the Circle Effect as a transitional wipe
I posted a quick tutorial on my Instagram on how to use the circle effect as a transitional effect:

Diner Pary Retarget Ad
Concept development + animation using artwork created by game art team.

storyboard frames for Diner Party promo

Animated Retarget Ads
Design + Animation, using premade graphic elements from game art team.
Generic MMS graphics
Design + animated GIFs.
Project Details
Approx. project length: about 1-2 days per project
After Effects
Premiere Pro
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