Draft design+animation
Concept & Design

Semi-final main frame design.

UI element design. Created in Illustrator.

Initial concept design / rough design
Technical Details
Area of influence/effect using masks
To simulate the wind rippling the dress, a simple wave warp effect was applied. To reduce the effect so it only affects the bottom portion of the dress, I first created a feathered mask around the bottom half of the dress.
Next, twirl down the layer's properties, expand the effect tab (wave warp), and twirl down Compositing Options. By selecting the mask, the effect will then be limited to the mask, depending on the mode chosen—add will limit the effect inside the mask, subtract will cut out the effect inside the mask, etc.

Area of effect using masks
Flipping shapes using Joysticks n Sliders
If you need to mirror a shape object, but don't want to use a transform (negative scale), you can use Joysticks n Sliders's mirror tool. This will take the shape path and simply flip it horizontally.

Flipping shape paths with Joysticks n Sliders.
Easy honeycomb pattern in Illustrator
Illustrator's pattern options are the best and easiest way to create honeycomb or brick patterns. I created a hexagon shape, then from the Pattern Options menu choose Tile Type: Hex by Column. Afterwards it's just a matter of playing around with the settings to adjust the spacing, size of the pattern, etc.

The easiest way to generate brick/honeycomb patterns in Illustrator.
Project Details
Approx. project length: ???
After Effects
After Effects